The success of the pilot rollout of the Energy Inclusion Initiative (EII), now known as Developing Sustainable Energy Access (DevSEA) program, and the renewed support and commitment of program partner Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA) have prompted the Microfinance Council of the Philippines, Inc. (MCPI) to open its doors to applications for the 2015 rollout of the program.
The DevSEA Program, launched last year in the Philippines, aims to create an established and recognized energy arm of the Philippine microfinance industry through MCPI with a critical mass of scaled and scalable sustainable energy projects. On its first run, the program supported AlalaysaKaunlaran, Inc. (ASKI) in Luzon, and Peoples Bank of Caraga, Inc. (PBC) in Mindanao in rolling out a new sustainable energy loan product specifically designed based on their clients’ energy needs.
To jumpstart the selection process for the 2015 rollout, MCPI, last October 3, organized a one-day workshop for interested microfinance institutions to orient them on sustainable energy, and the DevSEA program. Eleven prospective MFIs attended the session. Interested MFIs were requested to submit a formal letter of intent to participate in the selection process. They were also asked to submit information on their financial performance and their non-financial services.
The applicants will be shortlisted to the top four candidates, from which the top two will be selected as partner MFIs for the 2015 rollout. The program provides partner MFIs continuous technical advice and support from MCPI, access to methodologies and tools for the development of energy products, and opportunities to participate in exchange visits and events to share experiences locally and abroad.
Meanwhile, the two pilot MFIs, ASKI and PBC, are exploring the possibility of scaling-up the program to include more branches, and assessing the feasibility of adding other sustainable energy technologies to address other energy needs of clients.
Announcement of the second batch of MFI partners is in December 2014.
Participants of the DevSEA workshop.Front row, from left: Juliet Rawlinson, PMPC; RG Salazar, DevSEA EBA; JovilynAlcedo, JVOFI; Jewella Vinson, DevSEA TEA; Grace Cabral, ASKI; Hazel Rosacia-Bayaca, KMBI; Estrella Andres, ASHI; SohraBenasing, GDMPC; and RitzieApaitan, TSKI. Second Row: Imelda Magabilen, USPD; MyleneSalmazan, TSPI; Rodolfo Necesito, Jr., PBC; GlodielAbenoja, PBC; Gilbert Maramba, NWTF; Paul Diamat, ASKI; and Glenn Anciano, CEVI.