Under its Customer Empowerment Initiative, the Microfinance Council of the Philippines, Inc. (MCPI) conducted a project on a customer empowerment-focused financial education model called Aral Plus. This project is in partnership with the Social Performance Task Force (SPTF), Agence française de développement (AFD), and Luxembourg Aid & Development.
Aral Plus aims to strengthen the capabilities and build the confidence of economically-disadvantaged groups to engage in the financial marketplace and reap the benefits of knowing, choosing, and using appropriate financial products and services in their pursuit of financial self-sufficiency. Among the four dimensions of customer empowerment—choice, voice, respect, and control—Aral Plus prioritized the dimension where disempowerment is highest, which is choice. Hence, the Choice Module was developed composed of five sessions.
MCPI partnered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Negosyo Center, to pilot test the Aral Plus Choice Module to low-income individuals. After the development of the sessions and learning materials, the project was pilot tested last May-June 2023 in two DTI Negosyo Centers: Tanay, Rizal for the rural clients and Mandaluyong for the urban clients. This was participated by 27 clients in Tanay, Rizal and 12 clients in Mandaluyong.
Several financial service providers were invited in the Meet and Greet session to present their products and services to guide potential clients on how to choose financial services that fit their needs.