MCPI Recognized as Sustainability and Corporate Governance Champion by the SEC

For the third consecutive year, the Microfinance Council of the Philippines, Inc. (MCPI) was recognized by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as Sustainability and Corporate Governance Champion during its 86th Founding Anniversary and Recognition Ceremony held on November 12, 2022 at the SEC Headquarters in Makati City. Present during the event were SEC Chairperson Emilio B. Aquino and Department of Finance Secretary Benjamin E. Diokno. MCPI Executive Director Allan Robert I. Sicat received the award on behalf of the Board, members, and staff of MCPI.

In photo are SEC Chairperson Emilio B. Aquino, MCPI Executive Director Allan Robert I. Sicat, and SEC Commissioner McJill Bryant T. Fernandez.

In 2022, MCPI actively supported microfinance NGOs in their accreditation with the MNRC, created dialogue between MF NGOs and the MNRC for compliance with regulation, and gathered timely and relevant data from MF NGOs for advocacy purposes.