What is now known as the multi-awarded United Sugarcane Planters of Davao (USPD) Savings and Credit Cooperative started as the savings and credit department of the USPD Multi-purpose Cooperative (MPC), an agricultural multi-purpose cooperative established in 1991. In 1996, the El Niño phenomenon that hit the Davao Mill District, the rat and locust infestations that destroyed sugarcane fields, and the unpredictability of sugar prices exposed the vulnerabilities of the members and prompted the USPD MPC to launch the savings and credit department to teach members the value of saving.
USPD MPC’s partnership with the Credit Union for Empowerment and Strengthening (CUES) – Philippines strengthened the financial operations of the cooperative and the savings and credit department operations. The women were also taught how to save, how to effectively use a credit line, and trained to engage successfully in microenterprise.
Among the numerous distinctions it has received, USPD was given the highest award of the Finance Organizations Achieving Certified Credit Union Standards (FOCCUS) brand – Platinum FOCCUS Award – given to cooperatives that have already attained the Model Credit Union status comparable to that of any other credit union in the world.
In 2003, the USPD MPC Savings and Credit Department became a duly registered credit cooperative and became USPD Credit Cooperative. Two years after, it received the Award of Excellence in Community-based Savings and Credit Cooperative category (2005) by the Cooperative Development Authority.
In November 2011, the Articles of Cooperation and By-Laws of USPD Credit Cooperative were amended and it became USPD Savings and Credit Cooperative. At the same time, it became a member of CODIS (Cooperative Deposit Insurance System) after passing the qualifying criteria of COOP-PESOS.
The cooperative and its partners continue to implement programs for the benefit of the members. It also carries out scholarship program to qualified children of members; and has already produced college and vocational graduates from universities and colleges in Mindanao. The commitment of the officers, staff and members to USPD Savings and Credit Cooperative has enabled it to maintain the quality of service it has nurtured through the years.