Kicking-off the DevSEA Learning Exchange

The Microfinance Council of the Philippines, Inc.’s Developing Sustainable Energy Access (DevSEA) program conducted a Learning Exchange (LEX) session on June 18, 2015, aimed to initially kick-off peer-to-peer learning. The LEX focused on two sub-sessions: a) AlalaysaKaunlaran, Inc. (ASKI) presenting key insights from the Asian Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) and b) sharing and gaining experiences from the pilot branches on DevSEA program as well as experiences of Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation, Inc. (NWTF) and Paglaum Multi-purpose Cooperative (PMPC) on other green energy related lending program. Members of the Technical Working Group from the four partner-MFIs of MCPI DevSEA program – ASKI, PBC, NWTF, and PMPC – participated in the session.

MCPI staff and members of the Technical Working Group from ASKI, PBC, NWTF, and PMPC pose during a break from the sessions of the DevSEA Learning Exchange.

MCPI staff and members of the Technical Working Group from ASKI, PBC, NWTF, and PMPC pose during a break from the sessions of the DevSEA Learning Exchange.

Mr. Paul Diamat and Ms. Grace Cabral from ASKI shared key insights learned from the recently held ACEF, organized by the Asian Development Bank. Mr. Diamat presented learnings from the mini-grid session and emphasized that focusing on sustainable energy solutions for off-grid communities can be considered in developing the program further. Ms. Cabral shared insights on how micro, small, and medium enterprises in India are being assisted by MFIs in improving their businesses, resulting to creation of sustainable energy solution packages. Through the MFIs, MSMEs are linked to suppliers and service providers and their initiatives in relation to sustainable energy are being recognized and promoted.

Lastly, representatives from each of the four MFIs shared their experiences on renewable energy (RE) financing. For instance, prior to DevSEA, PMPC, in collaboration with the Department of Energy, supported a solar electrification project of one barangay in Zamboanga del Sur. NWTF, on the other hand, disbursed more than 7,000 solar lamps since 2009, and the demand for RE solutions has resulted to new products such as environment-fit cook stoves and water filters. With such initiative, challenges have emanated particularly on the scalability, replicability, and aftersales which are key considerations for the sustainability of the RE financing project.