National Confederation of Cooperatives

National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO)The National Confederation of Cooperatives or NATCCO’s vision is to be the most trusted world-class financial cooperative network. As its mission, it delivers superior relevant and ethical financial product and allied services anytime, anywhere.

In 1977, the five regional training centers formed NATCCO, then known as the National Association of Training Centers for Co-ops, to coordinate the trainings and educational services for cooperatives at the national level. These training centers were composed of a large number of privately-initiated primary co-ops which banded as secondary cooperatives in the 1950’s to the 1970’s. NATCCO was later transformed into a multi-service national co-op federation in 1986. Today, NATCCO has around 1.6 million individual members coming from several co-op federations and some 406 rural and urban-based co-ops.

Contact Details

Ms. Sylvia O. Paraguya, Chief Executive Officer

227 J. P. Rizal St.,
Project 4, Quezon City

(+63 2) 8913 7011 to 15

(+63 2) 8913 7016

