The post-Yolanda rehabilitation project

Months after the onslaught of super typhoon Yolanda which devastated the central part of the Philippines, the ICCO Cooperation approved the Microfinance Council of the Philippines, Inc.’s proposal to fund a rehabilitation initiative that would help microfinance clients recover from the disaster. The project aims to provide various asset grants that would help restore the livelihood activities of the affected microfinance clients and assist microfinance institutions recover their affected portfolios. Taytay sa Kauswagan, Inc. (TSKI), Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation, Inc. (NWTF), and the Omaganhan Farmers’ Multi-Purpose Co-operative (OFMPC) were chosen to implement the project. The client beneficiaries who were chosen to receive livelihood assistance were those who haven’t received similar support from any government agencies, non-government organizations, and other private institutions in specific areas assigned by ICCO. TSKI and OFMPC identified the suitable assets based on individual needs assessment that they conducted, while NWTF did a community-based assessment and ventured into social business and community enterprise approach. Distribution of various livelihood assets are now being concluded.

The-post-Yolanda-rehabilitation-projectFisherfolk and fish vendor clients of OFMPC in Tabayla, Tabango, Leyte are among those who received livelihood assets from the ICCO post-Yolanda rehab project. The grant aims to help them get back on their feet after the typhoon washed away their homes and livelihood.